Welcome to Cadence & Candour!
Have you ever thought about how songs impact people’s lives? What about your own life? Can you think of a time when a song really moved you? Changed your perspective? Got you through a difficult time? A song that really meant something to you on your life’s journey…?
At Cadence & Candour we capture stories that demonstrate how music enables people to connect with self, others, nature, and the Creator.
Like a great soundtrack to an equally great movie, music is the soundtrack to many lives. It can provide a backdrop for milestones, facilitate key turning-points, be a portal for accessing memories, and a lens that provides insight into individuals, communities, and cultures. On this blog we explore how music impacts people’s lives in profound and meaningful ways… engaging the senses, body, mind, spirit, and soul.
The ebb and flow of music and life
Where we tell it just like it is, straight from the heart
“Discover more at Cadence & Candour… Your symphony, Your Art, Your Story”
We hope you enjoy the stories told on this blog and invite you to share with us your own.
Share your story now by clicking here!